Scotland launches study into environmental impact of puffs

February 6, 2023

Par: National Committee Against Smoking

Dernière mise à jour: February 6, 2023

Temps de lecture: 3 minutes

L’Écosse lance une étude sur l’impact environnemental des puffs

The Scottish Government has commissioned a study urgently needed to measure the environmental impacts and management of disposable e-cigarettes such as puffs in the country. The study, which comes in response to renewed concerns about the harmful effects of these disposable devices, is expected to inform policy responses, which could include a ban on the products.

Zero Waste Scotland will lead the study, which will take into account international experience and action, including key developments in the European Union.

Devices that are poorly recycled

In its note, the government reminds that vaping products should not be thrown into household waste in order to avoid any risk of fire. They should be thrown into the receptacles for small waste electrical and electronic equipment that are available in household waste recycling centers. Finally, if the batteries inside the vapes are easily removable, they should be removed and thrown into battery recycling containers.

A investigation A joint study by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Sky News and the Daily Telegraph revealed in July 2022 that two disposable e-cigarettes are thrown into the bin every second in the UK. Over the course of a year, this waste represents enough lithium to make around 1,200 electric car batteries.

Scottish people are concerned about the increase in consumption of these products

A new survey has revealed that more than three-quarters of Scots are concerned about the use of vaping products in schools (83 %) and the marketing of vaping products to young people and children (82 %). The survey was commissioned by the charity Asthma + Lung UK Scotland and conducted by Opinion Matters among 1,000 Scottish adults aged over 16.

The survey also shows that 71% of respondents said they were concerned about the environmental damage caused by puffs.

The ban on disposable devices had already been called for by the Scottish environmental group last December.[1]. Several organizations[2] and European countries[3]-[4] are in favor of this ban on these disposable products which are very popular with teenagers.

Keywords: Scotland, disposable e-cigarettes, puffs, ban, environment

©Tobacco Free Generation


[1] Generation without tobacco, Scottish MP proposes ban on attractive displays and flavours for vaping products, published on December 30, 2022, consulted on February 3, 2023

[2] Communicated, Puffs: CNCT calls for ban on disposable electronic cigarettes, CNCT, published on October 25, 2022

[3] Generation without tobacco, Bavaria calls for ban on puffs in Germany and across Europe, published January 20, 2023, accessed February 3, 2023

[4] Generation without tobacco, Ireland considers banning disposable e-cigarettes, published October 24, 2022, accessed February 3, 2023

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