Flavored tobacco products and additives: a motion filed in Switzerland

June 26, 2020

Par: chef-projet@dnf.asso.fr

Dernière mise à jour: June 26, 2020

Temps de lecture: 3 minutes

Produits de tabac aromatisés et additifs : une motion déposée en Suisse

In Switzerland, on June 16, 2020, a motion was tabled by Benjamin Roduit, a Valaisan national councilor. The latter asked the Federal Council to ban flavored tobacco in Switzerland.

Various tobacco products concerned

Specifically, he wants to ban all tobacco containing a flavour, as well as "additives for tobacco products and electronic cigarettes that increase the potential for addiction or toxicity". The motion therefore concerns mint cigarettes, "click" cigarettes and flavoured hookah tobacco.

Hidden damage

According to Benjamin Roduit, "tobacco manufacturers deliberately add substances to their products. These make tobacco smoke more easily tolerated and increase the addictive effect". Furthermore, "because of the aroma that 'numbs' the throat and makes the smoke milder, the smoker is much less aware of the damage he is causing to his body. The cooling effect of menthol, for example, means that smokers of menthol cigarettes tend to inhale more deeply". According to him, this measure is intended to protect children and adolescents. He also pointed out that menthol cigarettes, as well as other smoking tobacco products containing a characterising flavour, have been banned since 20 May 2020 in the European Union states, Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

A policy deemed contradictory

"Switzerland invests a lot of money in smoking prevention, but at the same time authorises additives that encourage smoking." This dual observation challenges Benjamin Roduit, who considers it counterproductive.

News poorly received by shisha bar owners

The motion is clearly not well received by shisha bars. It makes them fear the closure of their establishments and the unemployment of many people. Adem Corca, director of the Binzgarten Shisha-Lounge in Zurich, believes that "smoking shisha is not an addiction, but something cultural that binds people together". However, according to Tox Info Suisse, "Smoking shisha for 45 to 60 minutes is the equivalent of smoking around 100 cigarettes".

©Tobacco Free Generation

[i] “Ban on the sale of menthol: what you need to know” https://www.generationsanstabac.org/actualites/interdiction-de-vente-du-menthol-ce-quil-faut-retenir/

[i] “Misconception: hookah is less toxic than cigarettes” https://www.generationsanstabac.org/actualites/idee-recue-la-chicha-serait-moins-toxique-que-la-cigarette/

[i] "At the heart of the cigarette manufacturers' strategy: menthol" https://www.generationsanstabac.org/article/strategie-cigarettiers-menthol-interdiction-mai-2020/

"The cooling effect encourages you to inhale more deeply," www.20min.ch, June 18, 2020 https://www.20min.ch/fr/story/leffet-refroidissant-incite-a-inhaler-plus-profondement-660741540349

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