Quit attempts drop in Scotland

August 3, 2022

Par: National Committee Against Smoking

Dernière mise à jour: August 3, 2022

Temps de lecture: 3 minutes

Les tentatives d’arrêt du tabac chutent en Écosse

The halving of quits and attempts to quit smoking in Scotland raises questions about the sustainability of public funding efforts and thus threatens the objective of a tobacco-free generation by 2034.

According to the latest data from Public Health Scotland, smoking cessation and quit attempts have decreased significantly in Scotland over the past two years. The institution recorded 3,913 quits in 2021-2022, compared to 7,258 in 2018-2019, a decrease of almost half (-46 %). Attempts to quit have fallen from 51,115 in 2018-2019 to 23,503 in 2021-2022, a decrease of more than half (-54 %). Comparisons with previous periods are no longer possible, as the calculation method excluded people placed in custody since the 2018-2019 survey wave.

A reduction in funding for smoking cessation

The main explanation given for this phenomenon is that funding for smoking cessation support has been significantly reduced in recent years, despite Scotland having set itself the goal of a tobacco-free generation by 2034 (smoking prevalence below 5%, ban on sales to people born after a certain date). As this reduction in funding, like the decline in attempts to quit smoking, dates back to before the COVID-19 pandemic, it is difficult to interpret the impact of the latter.

"This is a real false economy - and it is the poorest communities living in Scotland who will suffer disproportionately.", said Dr Sandesh Gulhane, the Conservative Party's health spokesman.[1]. He also believes that these figures risk compromising the goal of a tobacco-free generation by 2034, if nothing is done to correct this trend. He also fears that these poor figures could lead to tensions on the Scottish medical system, which is already very fragile.

The goal of a tobacco-free generation remains relevant

A Scottish Government spokesperson hit back, pointing out that smoking prevalence had fallen from 31 per cent in 1999 to 17 per cent in 2019, and that the target of reducing the rate by 12 per cent by 2034 remained achievable. "We are developing a revised, high-impact Tobacco Action Plan, which will include tobacco prevention, protection and cessation, to ensure that we achieve our 5 % target.", he added, the government declaring itself “determined to improve health and reduce inequalities”[2].

Keywords: Scotland, quitting smoking, quitting attempts, Tobacco Free Generation

©Tobacco Free Generation


[1] Carmichael A, Stub it out: Number of Scots trying to quit smoking drops by more than half, The Scotsman, published July 29, 2022, accessed August 2, 2022. [2] Number of Scots quitting and attempting to quit smoking drops by more than half, Ireland Live, published 29 July 2022, accessed 2 August 2022. National Committee Against Smoking |

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