FCA becomes Global Alliance for Tobacco Control

November 17, 2022

Par: National Committee Against Smoking

Dernière mise à jour: November 17, 2022

Temps de lecture: 3 minutes

La FCA devient l’Alliance mondiale pour la lutte antitabac

Civil society organizations that worked for the adoption, ratification and implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control came together in the Framework Convention Alliance (FCA), which became the Global Alliance for Tobacco Control (GATC) on 1er last November.

In the early 2000s, the preparation and adoption of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) were only possible thanks to a strong mobilization of civil society organizations.

As early as the negotiation phase in 1999, a coalition of these organisations was formed under the name of the Framework Convention Alliance (FCA) to counter the tobacco industry's attempts to obstruct the adoption of the FCTC or to render it null and void, in particular by exploiting tobacco-producing countries. The FCA has worked to disseminate a great deal of scientific data, as well as information on the tobacco industry's links and attempts to influence it, particularly in emerging countries.[1].

These efforts, welcomed by the World Health Organization and by a large number of countries, allowed, in 2003, the adoption of the FCTC in an acceptable formulation. The FCA was formalized in 2003 and then continued to ensure the ratification of the treaty by countries, something done by more than 180, and for the proper implementation of this first international health treaty. It has thus developed various tools facilitating the deployment of the principles of the FCTC.

From FCA to the Global Alliance for Tobacco Control (GATC)

While the structure of the FCA has remained unchanged to date, the need has arisen to broaden the coalition's relationships to new actors, from backgrounds other than tobacco control. A change of name also seemed appropriate to mark the new identity of this organization and the extension of its activities beyond the FCTC, hence the transformation of the FCA into the Global Alliance for Tobacco Control (GATC).

These activities remain focused on the development, ratification and implementation of the FCTC and its tools, including the protocol to combat illicit trade in tobacco products, but also include the integration of tobacco control into international health projects, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations (UN) in 2015. Based on scientific evidence, the strategic pillars of the 2022-2025 plan[2] GATC's objectives are 1) advocacy and development of health policies; 2) exchanges and transmission of knowledge; 3) skills strengthening; 4) mobilization of stakeholders and partners.

The website of reference is retained and will gradually evolve towards that of the GATC. The headquarters of the GATC is now based in Ottawa (Canada), that of the FCA having previously been established in Geneva.

Keywords: FCA, GATC, CCLAT

©Tobacco Free Generation


[1] Mamudu HM, Glantz SA. Civil society and the negotiation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Global Public Health. 2009;4(2):150-68. [2] GATC strategic plan 2022-2025, Global Alliance for Tobacco Control, 12 p. National Committee Against Smoking |

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