Toxicity and persistence of e-liquid chemicals in the environment

October 26, 2023

Par: National Committee Against Smoking

Dernière mise à jour: October 26, 2023

Temps de lecture: 5 minutes

Toxicité et persistance des substances chimiques des e-liquides dans l’environnement

A study looked at the chemicals contained in e-liquids from electronic cigarettes. It identified 81 molecules considered dangerous for the environment and human health and/or harmful or potentially harmful. The authors draw attention to the precautions to be taken in the storage, handling and treatment of e-liquid waste.

Over the past decade, the rapid spread of e-cigarettes has been accompanied by some undesirable consequences. These include the appeal of these products to young people and the proliferation of persistent waste (batteries, plastics, heavy metals, etc.). The advent of disposable e-cigarettes ("puffs") has made the situation much worse and poses serious problems. environmental and of public health.

However, studies on the environmental consequences of electronic cigarettes have remained rare. A team of researchers has taken up the subject in order to classify the components present in the e-liquids that power electronic cigarettes, and to take into account their impact on the environment.[1].

81 substances identified as dangerous and/or harmful

The researchers started with an initial list of 156 chemical components present in e-liquid bottles and refills. They completed this list by searching existing scientific publications, focusing on the components of e-liquids. Studies on aerosols released by electronic cigarettes were excluded, in order to remain focused on the content of e-liquids. The criteria for environmental damage were the environmental persistence of chemical substances, the bioaccumulation of these substances in an organism and their toxicity to aquatic species. The combination of these three criteria makes it possible to consider a chemical component as dangerous for the environment and for health.

A total of 421 chemical components of e-liquids were identified by the researchers. Among them, 35 components were classified as hazardous by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and 42 were considered by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as harmful or potentially harmful components present in tobacco products or smoke. Twenty of the components listed fell into these two categories. In the end, 81 of the chemical substances contained in e-liquids fell into one, the other or both categories. Many tobacco-specific components (nicotine and its derivatives), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organophosphates were present among these substances. The metals and metalloids present (lead, mercury, nickel, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, beryllium) fell into both categories of substances.

Consequences on the handling and use of products

In the United States, electronic cigarettes have already been classified as hazardous products by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) when their e-liquid contains nicotine. These e-liquids are usually presented as containing glycerin, propylene glycol, chemical flavors and, in most cases, nicotine. They actually contain many other toxic or harmful substances whose bioaccumulation poses serious health and environmental problems.

The authors of the article therefore draw attention to these substances and call for further studies to better take into account their potential impact on the environment and on human health. They recommend that new precautions be issued regarding the storage and handling of these products, as well as the treatment of their waste. The vast majority of e-liquid bottles, puffs and refills being improperly thrown away Among household waste, new recovery circuits would be required for these materials, just as for the other elements of electronic cigarettes.

The authors acknowledge several limitations to this research. The concentrations of chemical substances in e-liquids were not taken into account. However, they influence the sensitivity of each living species to these substances. Furthermore, only the impact on the aquatic environment was studied, leaving an unknown as to the toxicity of e-liquids in a terrestrial environment. However, this study has the merit of highlighting a little-discussed aspect of electronic cigarettes and should contribute to being more attentive to their consequences on the environment and on health.

Keywords: e-liquids, chemicals, environment, dangerous products, electronic cigarettes, toxicity, puffs

©Generation Without Tobacco


[1] Venugopal PD, Addo Ntim S, Goel R, et al. Environmental persistence, bioaccumulation, and hazards of chemicals in e-cigarette e-liquids: short-listing chemicals for risk assessments. Tobacco Control, Published Online First: 16 October 2023. doi: 10.1136/tc-2023-058163National Committee Against Smoking |

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