Türkiye: NGO calls for international solidarity to counter Philip Morris offensive

February 20, 2023

Par: National Committee Against Smoking

Dernière mise à jour: February 20, 2023

Temps de lecture: 4 minutes

Turquie : une ONG appelle à la solidarité internationale pour contrer une offensive de Philip Morris

In the days following the February 6 earthquake, Philip Morris International (PMI) offered $2 million in aid to Turkey. The Turkish National Coalition on Tobacco or Health is calling for a response by mobilizing other sources of international support.

In order to once again become credible interlocutors and to influence public health decisions, multinationals are seizing every opportunity to enhance their image through corporate social responsibility (CSR) actions. Disasters, whether natural or human, provide opportunities to implement this strategy.

PMI was quick to offer a donation

To prevent such a scenario from happening again after the earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria on February 6, 2023, Dr. Elif Dagli, Chairwoman of the Turkish National Coalition on Tobacco or Health (SSUK), has alerted international tobacco control networks about Philip Morris International's (PMI) intentions.[1].

The alert was prompted by two PMI Twitter posts, written in Turkish and English, which attracted attention, one on February 10 and the other on February 15. In the latter, PMI announced its intention to donate US$2 million (€1.88 million) to Turkey. "to support immediate humanitarian relief and long-term recovery assistance".

Several precedents of this type in Türkiye, to the detriment of public health

After a previous earthquake in Turkey in 2011, PMI had already made two donations totaling US$500,000 (€470,000) to rehouse 75 families in shipping containers. This operation served PMI as a publicity vehicle and the streets passing between these containers were renamed in the name of PMI's partner donor.

The crisis linked to the COVID-19 pandemic has also provided many occasions the major tobacco manufacturers to once again become interlocutors of the public authorities, after having punctually distributed financial aid and care and protection equipment, and having ensured very wide publicity for it. In Turkey, donations and distribution of medical equipment (respirators, masks, gloves, etc.) in 2020 had allowed them to obtain a postponement of tax increases, to defer the application of the rules on health warnings and to reduce the rate of the consumption tax from 67 % to 63 %[2]The project of a standardised neutral packaging for cigarettes had also been postponed.[3]PMI donated $700,000 (€658,000) that year, while Japan Tobacco International (JTI) allocated around $275,000 (€258,000).

An opportunity to renew international solidarity

It is therefore to prevent the tobacco industry from perpetuating this situation of partial and very interested assistance that Dr Dagli is calling for a reinforcement of the international solidarity already underway, in order to participate in the reconstruction effort. This could constitute a new way of recalling that Article 5.3 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control prohibits any intrusion by the tobacco industry into public health policies.

Keywords: Türkiye, earthquake, CSR, PMI, JTI

©Tobacco Free Generation


[1] ENSP, Urgent need to support the Republic of Türkiye, The Network, ENSP newsletter, February 16, 2023.

[2] How deadly is tobacco industry interference in Turkey? Global Tobacco Index 2021, factsheet, accessed February 17, 2023.

[3] Assunta M. Global Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2021. Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control (GGTC). Bangkok, Thailand. Nov 2021.

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