JR Reynolds: Tobacco industry files lawsuit in US

April 8, 2020

Par: communication@cnct.fr

Dernière mise à jour: April 8, 2020

Temps de lecture: 2 minutes

JR Reynolds : l’industrie du tabac porte plainte aux Etats-Unis
On April 3, 2020, tobacco companies JR Reynolds, Santa Fe Natural Tobacco, and ITG Brands LLC filed a complaint in federal court in Texas[1] in order to obtain the cancellation of the new health warnings on tobacco packages, scheduled for June 2021. While other countries have already adopted more ambitious provisions, this decision marked real progress for the country, which had not changed the terms of these health warnings since 1984. These warnings were intended in particular to inform consumers of the health risks associated with smoking, the seriousness and extent of which are often largely underestimated or even ignored by smokers themselves (bladder cancer, sterility, or even blindness). The tobacco package is also considered by cigarette manufacturers as an advertising showcase, intended to increase the attractiveness of the product, particularly among young people, the tobacco industry's main target. According to the manufacturers, this complaint is motivated by the fact that these warnings, intended to repel consumers, would be a violation of the First Amendment of the American Constitution, here relating to the freedom of expression of companies. In reality, this complaint shows that the tobacco industry does not deviate from its usual strategy by systematically opposing any progress in public health, whether it is plain packaging, tax increases, or prevention among younger generations. As soon as it can, the tobacco industry invests colossal resources to block, delay or distort public health measures that are incompatible with its financial interests. The appeals of cigarette companies against the public authorities of countries that are trying to adopt measures to protect their populations from the tobacco epidemic are frequent and are among the methods of pressure and intimidation to interfere in public policies.©Tobacco Free Generation
[1] Martina Barash, Bloomberglaw, « RJ Reynolds Challenges New Graphic Warnings Cigarette Rule ", April 3, 2020.https://news.bloomberglaw.com/product-liability-and-toxics-law/r-j-reynolds-challenges-new-graphic-warnings-cigarette-rule©National Committee Against Smoking |

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