Ultra-passive smoking: real dangers for your health
June 4, 2020
Par: chef-projet@dnf.asso.fr
Dernière mise à jour: June 4, 2020
Temps de lecture: 4 minutes
Even for a smoker, the smell of cold tobacco embedded in hair or sheets can be very unpleasant. But what is often ignored is that these odors are also harmful. It is therefore appropriate today to question the dangers of this invisible and sometimes odorless smoking called "tertiary", "ultra-passive" or "third-hand".
Primary, secondary and tertiary fumes
First of all, let's remember that there are 3 types of smoke. - Primary smoke is that which is inhaled through a cigarette and then exhaled into the ambient air. - Secondary smoke, the central element of passive smoking, refers to both the smoke emitted by the end of the cigarette and that exhaled by the smoker. - Third-hand smoke is finally composed of fine particles from tobacco smoke.
Toxic elements in our environment
These particles will remain suspended in the air for several weeks and deposit traces of tar, heavy metals, nitrate derivatives and radioactive products on fabrics, floors or walls. These components, then released into the air for several weeks, are obviously toxic, and therefore harmful to non-smokers sharing their environment with one or more smokers.
“Contaminated” non-smoking areas
Even more surprising, these toxic particles can be carried into the atmosphere by our hair, our clothes, our objects and even our breath. They are therefore found in places where no one has ever smoked. It is important to know that third-hand smoke contains as many carcinogenic substances as primary and secondary smoke. The fact that it persists for weeks makes it particularly dangerous.
Serious consequences
Exposure to second-hand and third-hand smoke increases the risk of various cancers, death from heart attacks, low birth weight and sudden infant death syndrome, allergies, asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), impaired wound healing, and neurological disorders such as hyperactivity. Second-hand and third-hand smoke are responsible for 3,000 to 5,000 deaths per year.
Protect and clean up the environment
A child playing on the floor or a baby crawling on all fours is therefore exposed to toxic particles deposited on the floor. It is important that smokers are aware of this risk and adapt their habits accordingly, for example by ensuring that they never smoke in a room frequented by children.
Poorly ventilated car interiors are other places where there is a high concentration of toxic particles. Smoking in cars should therefore be avoided as much as possible. It should be remembered that the law has already prohibited smoking in the presence of a minor since 2016.
Also note that smoking at the window or airing out a home is unfortunately not enough to remove all toxic particles. To properly clean an exposed interior, you must shampoo all fabrics (curtains, carpets, sofas, etc.) and use a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter (high efficiency particulate air).
Finally, although e-cigarette smoke currently appears to emit fewer toxic particles into the atmosphere, caution should be exercised and it should not be used indoors or in the presence of children.
[i] “Ultra-passive (or tertiary) smoking, high-risk exposures in closed places” https://www.generationsanstabac.org/actualites/tabagisme-tertiaire-ultra-passif-expositions-a-risque-dans-les-lieux-fermes/
[i] “Third-hand smoking and sleep” https://www.generationsanstabac.org/actualites/le-tabagisme-tertiaire-et-le-sommeil
[i] “Third-hand smoking, even less well-known than passive smoking” https://www.generationsanstabac.org/actualites/le-tabagisme-tertiaire-encore-plus-meconnu-que-le-tabagisme-passif/
Frédérique Boursicot, “The little-known toxicity of cold tobacco odors”, May 31, 2019, www.60millions-mag.com.
[i] https://www.60millions-mag.com/2019/05/31/la-toxicite-meconnue-des-odeurs-de-tabac-froid-13893
Study from University of California, Riverside, PLoS ONE 29 Jan 2014 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0086391 Cigarette Smoke Toxins Deposited on Surfaces: Implications for Human Health
Public Health Code, articles L3512-1 to L3512-9 and L 3515-2 to R3515-8. Penal Code, articles 131-12 to 131-18.