Togo rewarded for its fight against smoking

September 15, 2020


Dernière mise à jour: September 15, 2020

Temps de lecture: 3 minutes

Le Togo récompensé pour sa lutte contre le tabagisme
Every year, the World Health Organization (WHO) awards an honorary prize to a country on World No Tobacco Day. This prize is given to personalities who have led actions against smoking, within the framework of the WHO Framework Convention. This year, Togo is in the spotlight.

For a Togo that respects tobacco control measures, in accordance with the Framework Convention

Professor Vinyo Kumako, Head of the Anti-Tobacco Programme at the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene, is the sixth African personality to receive the WHO Honorary Award. Organized by the Ministry of Health and WHO, the ceremony took place on 13 August 2020. Togo has had to overcome many challenges and carry out various actions, over several years, to be in compliance with the Framework Convention:

- In 2005, Togo was one of the first countries to ratify the WHO Framework Convention.

- In 2010, Togo created a law N°2010-017 relating to the production, marketing, consumption of cigarettes and other tobacco products. Five decrees were implemented including decree N°2012-046/PR of July 11, 2012. The latter concerns the ban on smoking in public places.

- In 2015, WHO considered Togo's actions to be inconclusive and insufficient. They lack compliance with the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). Smoking has been on the rise for two years. WHO asked Togo to implement health warnings by illustrating cigarette packets and creating 100 % tobacco-free zones.

- In 2018, Togo joined the Protocol on Illicit Tobacco Trade.

Receiving the WHO honorary prize is therefore a reward which highlights all of Togo's efforts in its fight against tobacco.

The WHO Framework Convention: an international legal framework

The first international treaty, the Framework Convention establishes a new legal framework for international cooperation in terms of promoting public health and combating tobacco. It was adopted by the World Health Assembly on 21 May 2003. It entered into force on 27 February 2005. A historic page has opened in the history of the United Nations; it is one of the treaties that has quickly brought together the largest number of countries for the fight against tobacco.

The Protocol on Illicit Trade in Tobacco enriches Article 15 of the WHO Framework Convention. It was adopted by consensus on 12 November 2012. It is the first Protocol to the Convention to combat tobacco use. It establishes a new international treaty. It addresses ways to counter the illicit trade in tobacco products that allows access to tobacco at low cost and thus extends its ravages.

©Tobacco Free Generation
[1] Togo First, Fight against tobacco: WHO honors Togo and recognizes Prof. Vinyo Kumako, (August 17, 2020 - consulted on September 10, 2020). [2] WHO, Protocol to eliminate illicit trade in tobacco products, (accessed 10 September 2020). [3] WHO, About the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, (accessed 10 September 2020). [4] WHO, The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: an overview, (accessed 10 September 2020).DNF - For a Zero Tobacco World |

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